Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rolling Toothpaste at Walgreens

When I was at Wags on Sunday to use my $10 off $35 coupon, I found I had gotten the wrong toothpaste.  We fixed it at the register (my cosmetic counter cashier rocks) and continued on.  Then I went home and I stayed awake thinking about the possibilities of rolling toothpaste.

I didn't think both these deals were advertised in the flyer, but they are so similar that I probably overlooked them.  Here's what they are:

  1. Crest Pro Health toothpaste 6 oz $3.49 each, buy 2, get 3,000 BR
  2. Crest Pro Health clinical toothpaste 4oz 2/$7.00, receive $5.00 RR
They are basically the same price, except one is 2 oz smaller.  However, with the $1/1 Crest coupon from the 4/28 SS, they come out to the same price: FREE.  I didn't see any of the couponers that I follow mention this deal, so I wasn't sure if I was missing something.  But when I went and double checked it online, it looked like it should work.  So I popped into my Wags today and tried it out to see if I could do it.

Just a note - I had a $5.00 RR from Sunday and if you want to try this, you'll need at least 4,000 BR to start, OR skip Transaction #3.

Transaction #1
4 - Crest Pro Health 6oz @$3.49 each = $13.96
4 - $1/1 Crest coupons = $9.96
I used the $5.00 RR from Monday's toothpaste deal
Received 6000 BR
= $7.92OOP with tax  (yikes, this thing better work or I screwed up my budget for the week)

Transaction #2
2 - Crest Pro-health clinical toothpaste $7.00
2 - $1/1 coupons
= $5.00
Redeemed 5,000 points for $5 off
Received $5.00 RR
= $ .48 (whew, it's working!)

Transaction #3 
2 - Crest Pro-health clinical toothpaste $7.00
2 - $1/1 coupons
= $5.00
Redeemed 5,000 points for $5 off
Received $5.00 RR
= $ .48 

Transaction #4 
2 - Crest Pro Health 6oz @$3.49 each = $6.98
2 - $1/1 Crest coupons = $4.98
2 - Skinny cow candies $.50
Used bogo coupon = $.25
I used the $5.00 RR from previous deal
Received 3000 BR
= $.56

In summary I got:
  • 6 boxes Crest Pro-Health 6oz paste
  • 4 boxes Crest Pro-Health clinical 4oz paste
  • 2 skinny cow candies
  • 1 - $5.00 RR left
  • 1 - bogo Vidal Sasson Catalina
All for $9.44 
And if I had planned it better without just walking in and flying by SOP I could've just gotten 2 boxes in the first transaction and had only about $5.00 OOP.  And, I should have gotten 2 more of the 6oz Pro-Health at the end to bring my BR back up to better than it was.  But I can always stop by tomorrow.  I have 1 more $1/1 coupon and a $.50/1 to use and can pay for it with the $5 RR.  I'll update this list when I do it since it's connected with the same deals.

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