
Cool deals found here
(ice houses on Buffalo Lake)

Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Savings, focusing on saving money in the Wright County area and beyond in Minnesota.  When I first upped my coupon game back in 2013, my friends and family wanted to know how I was saving 50% then 75% then 100% and even getting money back from free shopping trips.  I started a facebook group to post quick tips and things which you can find here.  All members are welcome to share about deals, questions and brag about their hauls.

To keep some information static and for longer posts, this blog was born.  The facebook group is still the place for sharing quick tips and questions.  But the bulk of the information can be found on this blog.

I am not an extreme coupon blogger with weekly match-ups and a comprehensive savings guide to all the stores.  There's so many great coupon bloggers out there that do this already that you can follow.  What this blog has is local deals, couponing lifestyle and real life shopping experiences.  For now, this is a hobby, not a job and I'll share as much as I can.

So explore around a little and learn some more about couponing.  Whether you'd like to save 25%, 50%, 75% or more is up to you!

Please note:
There are some affiliate links on this site and I may earn some sort of reward or something on them.  If something looks good to you, I'd appreciate if you used my links to sign up.  It helps get back just a little bit so I can find more deals.  I won't post about a program unless I approve of it.  If you ever have a negative experience with one, please let me know.

Please be aware that the information provided may not always work for every person at every store, even at the ones that are mentioned in the postings and pages.  And although I do my best to post accurately, I'm really not that great and math and sometimes get my details mixed up.  Also, deals can change and some cashiers are more helpful than others.  Your mileage may varry (ymmv).

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